Hometown: Atwater, CA
Birthday: December 28th
Year in School: Senior
Goals: Fresno State / Oklahoma State University
Major: Vet Science
Career: Veterinarian
Hobbies: Water polo/swimming, dancing, spending time with my
friends, and saving/helping animals
Favorite Movie: Anyone But You
Favorite Non-Ag Subject in School: English
Favorite Song/Artist: Megan Moroney
Favorite Book: "Fancy Nancy" - Jane O'Connor
Favorite Game: Clue
Favorite Color: Pink
Influential People: My best friend Gianna and my parents
Life's Philosophy: “Go hard or go home”- e40
FFA Accomplishments: FFA Greenhand degree, FFA Chapter degree, and 3rd in county fair Small Animal Round Robin
SAE(s)/CDE(s)/LDE(s): Market rabbits, Parliamentary Procedure, and Floriculture CDE
FFA Goals: Get as involved as possible, encourage others to get involved and earn my FFA State degree.
Atwater High School Agriculture Department
Atwater FFA
PO Box 835 / 2201 Fruitland Ave
Atwater, CA 95301
Office: 209-357-6025
Fax: 209-357-6067